Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why People Have Irrational Fears

I hate to say it, but this woman's irrational fear of cotton balls is hilarious. Debilitating, yes. Ridiculous, double yes. But why do people have irrational fears anyway?

I'll admit that I have my own share of irrational fears. I can't get close to lizards/salamanders/waterdogs or I will run in the opposite direction. And if you know me, then anything that actually gets me to run is a pretty strong force. (Don't know what a waterdog is? It's a juvenile salamander. Go look it up. I won't do it for you, because I'll barf if I see a picture of one.) This fear is completely irrational too, as I am much larger than a lizard. What could a lizard do to me? It could lick me, that's what. Anyway, I have friends with other irrational fears, like spiders, holes, and barnacles. But not all at the same time, thankfully.

Until I solve the mystery of what creates an irrational fear, I'll just have to deal with mine. This means avoiding the reptile house at zoos, not reading books about lizards, and not visiting the desert anytime soon. Can do.

Oh and by the way, here's the most disgusting picture of a waterdog I've ever seen. Don't say I didn't warn you.