Friday, May 21, 2010

Abbrevs (aka abbreviations)

Sometimes I think abbrevs are defs totes ridic. Mayb they're useful, but obv they're hard to read, esp if you're over 40 years old or if you understand proper English. I get where abbrevs came from (I'm looking at you, internet), but I don't understand why they sometimes make life more difficult than it should be. Case in point, a story about misinterpreted abbrevs (btdubs, this is my fave):

My dad once got an email from a coworker that ended with LOL. Not knowing what it meant, he interpreted it as "lots of love." So the next time he emailed his coworker, he wrote "hugs and kisses." The guy never emailed him back.

That was totes adorbs. But in the future, let's try not to let these things happen again, for everyone's sake. Thx.

Monday, May 17, 2010


With finals coming up, it's really easy to procrastinate. Work piles up, and there's little hope of finishing everything you have to do. As one of my friends put it, the best way to deal with a lot of work is to not do it. I agree. Unfortunately, this plan of action may result in lower grades, lower self-esteem, and increased disappointment from your Asian parents.

I'm not here to tell you how to get more work done, because I have no idea how to do that. And honestly, sometimes doing work is boring. Instead, I present to you some of my favorite procrastination methods:

Facebook stalking - can't go wrong with this one. Spend hours looking at pictures of people who are more attractive than you, and homework will soon be the least of your worries.

Drinking - preferably early in the day. Happy hour starts when you say it does.

Learning a trade, such as quilting - if you're gonna learn something that's not homework related, at least make it life related.

Exercising - some people enjoy this.

Watching tv online - more people enjoy this.

Hanging out with friends - is it bad that this is the last thing on my list?

Whatever you choose to do, have fun with it. I know I do. My quilting skills have improved considerably upon coming to college.

Monday, May 3, 2010