Friday, May 21, 2010

Abbrevs (aka abbreviations)

Sometimes I think abbrevs are defs totes ridic. Mayb they're useful, but obv they're hard to read, esp if you're over 40 years old or if you understand proper English. I get where abbrevs came from (I'm looking at you, internet), but I don't understand why they sometimes make life more difficult than it should be. Case in point, a story about misinterpreted abbrevs (btdubs, this is my fave):

My dad once got an email from a coworker that ended with LOL. Not knowing what it meant, he interpreted it as "lots of love." So the next time he emailed his coworker, he wrote "hugs and kisses." The guy never emailed him back.

That was totes adorbs. But in the future, let's try not to let these things happen again, for everyone's sake. Thx.

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