Thursday, June 10, 2010

How Crayon Colors Get Their Names

If you ever got to the 64-pack of Crayola crayons, you know what I'm talking about. Where does Crayola come up with "Purple Mountain's Majesty" or "Tickle Me Pink"? Cute, but not very descriptive. Or maybe too descriptive to be helpful, I'm not sure which. In any case, did you know that there are other, more ridiculous color names? Here are a few of my favorites:

Antique Brass - you know, for old people that still like to color.

Banana Mania - this is the color of the inside of a banana, not the outside. Confusing, I know.

Beaver - wait, what?

Bittersweet - a pinkish color. This name isn't helpful at all, and frankly, it's a little depressing.

Inchworm - a greenish color. Gross.

Outer Space - color reminiscent of a black hole. Oh wait, then that'd be the color BLACK.

Ok ok I think you get my point. These color names may be confusing, but they're still fun. I'd like to be the person that comes up with these. I know I could think of something more descriptive than "Neon Carrot".


  1. I know they're gonna come out with Twilight crayons. Examples:

    Edward - a pasty not completely white, but pretty white color
    Jacob - the color of his tan
    Mangy Werewolf - that's self explanatory
    Sunlight - the Edward crayon, but with glitter
    Bella - some bland color..just bland

    But since that's about the three movies in summation, I don't think there'll be any more colors haha.

  2. Bella - yeah I guess it's hard to make a crayon the color of bitchface

  3. I remember many years back they held a naming contest for a handful of new colors. I think Purple Mountain's Majesty was one of the colors, along with Macaroni and Cheese (I remember that one well).

  4. Reminds me of this:

  5. Ha! I guess it's been a while since I actually looked at crayon names. Back in the old days the names made sense.
    Like blue-green and aqua. Exactly the same, right? BUT NO, the blue-green was so different.
