Friday, October 16, 2009


Famous redhead Conan O'Brien

Maybe I do understand redheads. I mean, I understand that red is a legit hair color. What I don't understand is where it comes from. There are many theories - recessive genes, hair of the gods, etc. It doesn't really matter. All that matters is that red hair is rumored to die out in the future. We need to save it now. My roommate, who is a ginger herself, could possibly mate with these people to prevent red hair from going extinct.

Danny Bonaduce
Kathy Griffin
Lindsay Lohan
Debra Messing
Ron Howard
Molly Ringwald
Seth Green

There are indeed many others, but these are my top picks. And to my roommate, who is probably protesting my choices, I implore you to do your part. Save the world by having babies. Thanks.


  1. you forgot all the weasleys!!!!

  2. I think you're roommate should mate with Daniel/ Henrik Sedin. They're ginger hockey player twins from Sweden.
