Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why Winking Is Considered Attractive

Winking, when done correctly, can be flirtatious and attractive. Look at Lindsay, pre-fame/drugs/everything else. She's so cute! And she's winking! But how did winking ever come to be considered attractive in the first place?

If you think about it, winking is sort of like a facial tic. And put in those terms, it doesn't sound so appealing. A wink is very brief, easy to miss, and it's not even necessary for our survival. Blinking is necessary, but winking is not. And, when done incorrectly, winks can lead to a whole hot mess. I have a friend who, when not winking, is super cute. But when she winks...gurrl that's another story. As much as she tries, her face takes on the funniest shape, and it is the last thing from sexy that I've ever seen.

So if you still choose to wink, go for it. Especially if you can do it well. If not, then maybe you should just stick to blinking ;)


  1. If winking wasn't flirty first it was at least saying " we're having a secret conversation. I am sending you a mischievous message by winking at you. You're special. we're special for understanding each other with our secret conversation."
    and if you think about it that's pretty flirty
    so its attractive because it's kind of flattering

  2. I mean I get that it's attractive, but WHY? I mean seriously, ur closing one eye, big woop. Why is it a thing?¿
