Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why You Would Think To Eat A Crab

Look at this thing. If you saw it crawling around in the sand, with its ferocious claws, hard exoskeleton, and beady little eyes, you wouldn't think to approach it. Much less eat it. But yet that's what many people around the world do. And I don't understand why.

Don't get me wrong, crab is delicious. And unless you're like my sister, who is allergic to crab, and in which case I must say I'm sorry for your loss, you probably enjoy eating it. But it just weirds me out that someone would think to eat it in the first place. It's sort of frightening, really.

In any case, what's done is done. Crab isn't scary, and it's tasty. So the next time you're enjoying your crab, possibly wearing a bib, take a moment to think about those first brave souls who discovered that crab was edible. They were pretty fucking fantastic people. And then dig in.

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