Thursday, October 15, 2009

Why Couples Work Out Together

There are probably several good reasons as to why couples would work out together. You get a sense of bonding, you're both getting exercise, you both like to exercise. Whatever. Unless your significant other is forcing you to work out together (in which case you should really reconsider your relationship), I don't see the point.

See, when I work out, I look like 1) a hurricane has hit me, and 2) I was living in the wilderness for three days before that. Yeah, it's that bad. My hair gets all tangled, my face adopts a permanent grimace, and I limp like I've been caught in a bear trap. How would this be appealing to a boyfriend? When people say, "Oh, he'll still love you, even at your worst," they're just being nice. They've never seen the horror that is me in a gym. Hopefully they never will. And, thankfully, neither will he.

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